
:::**Ray Skin**::: Xmas *Maxi*

:::**Ray Skin**::: New Work

*Xmas Maxi*
There is eight kinds of hairs of with the new hat made newly for
this time extras up to each package.

It can be enjoyed a favorite dressing by increasing the skirt to 3 kind.
It sold it to enjoy it as "Dressing substitution set" besides dressing
the content of the set last time. "Maxi"

It made it from the design matched to "Maxi" dress.
It is dressing of "Maxi" that has had it substitution and
it is coordinate, etc. with a favorite dress.
Please enjoy it by all means.
All hairs made the dress produced with :::**Ray Skin**::: imaging it.
each 100L$ . Try DEMO in the store.
This work becomes the last release this year of :::**Ray Skin**:::
Thank you for a lot of customers' coming to a store this year.
Please continue your favors toward :::**Ray Skin**:::
next year!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!

:::**Ray Skin**::: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Zorin/64/212/21

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