
New work *Garden*

All New clothes are installed in 2F.
plz use up to 2F Teleporter.

:::**Ray Skin**::: *Garden*

"Gardening" is a main concept this time.
I even created a bottom with the design of the whole in the
motif of a flower from the top.I prepared *~Air~ Garden*
with the original design (straw hat with a hair) for this
*Garden* package exclusive use.It's the design added to the
color of clothes.The equipped type for gardening
"WateringCan" and the back are pretty all together! ?,
"neko backpack" is bundled."WateringCan" has put 2 types of
animation.If it's general AO, condition walking of equipment
is possible.
A particle of water is actuated by a touch.It becomes
off by a touch once again.

お店は こちら♪
:::**Ray Skin**:::

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